SHINBATA Hiroyuki | Kyowa Patent and Law Office



SHINBATA  Hiroyuki

Qualification Patent Attorney
Department Electrical
Specialization Medical equipment (X-ray-related devices, ophthalmic devices, diagnosis support devices), information processing (pattern recognition, AI-related technologies), image processing, fuel cells, electricity, electronic, and general information technology


Hiroyuki Shinbata obtained his bachelor’s and master’s degrees from the Department of Applied Physics of Tohoku University before joining a major electric appliances manufacturer. As a member of a bio-element project conducted by the former Ministry of International Trade and Industry, he did basic research into recognition systems (self-organization of the perceptual brain), before moving onto research into practical applications of recognition systems (such as cancer cell classification, fingerprint classification, snow accumulation forecasting). He later worked in the development of the image processing aspects of digital radiography (DR) systems as a member of a start-up team.
After passing the patent attorney’s examination in 2002, he was transferred to the Intellectual Property Department. As the leader of the rights acquisition group (medical devices, lithography devices, network cameras, mixed-reality technology, industry-academia collaboration for creation of medical devices), he worked in rights acquisition, invention discovery and evaluation, patent clearance, and the planning of intellectual property strategy. During that period, he gained experience in areas such as patent due diligence in three corporate acquisition projects and in technical presentations for examiners of the China National Intellectual Property Administration.
He joined Kyowa Patent and Law Office in 2014. At Kyowa, he is involved in intellectual property rights-related services such as helping clients to acquire rights and providing expert opinions and comments. His clients include major general electrical equipment manufacturers and start-ups.

Additional Info

Patent Attorney
新畠,弘之,Hiroyuki,Shinbata,新畠 弘之,新畠 弘之,Hiroyuki Shinbata,しんばた,ひろゆき,新畠弘之

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